FGS Auditorium (Lakshman Dissanayake Auditorium) is situated in the heart of Colombo (Colombo 07), with easy access to the city’s amenities. This multi-purpose auditorium is housed on the 6th floor of the new building at the FGS has theatre style seating with 600 seats. The stage is structured in a way that it can be easily adapted to multitude of functions i.e. conferences, lectures, academic events and presentations. The Auditorium’s interior architectural finishing’s wood veneered and wooden flooring along with curtains. The design of the building is very contemporary; its dynamism is expressed through the unique sweeping curved roofs.

The reservation charges for the Auditorium

Major Facilities

  • Fully Air-conditioned
  • Modern Sound system & Multimedia projector
  • Back stage facilities (Dressing Rooms)
  • Vehicle parking facilities
  • Lobby area

Audio and IT equipment in the Auditorium

  • Ultra-Short Throw Multimedia Projector
  • Production inter-area Communication System
  • Audio Mixer & Speaker Management System
  • Two-Way Multipurpose Self-Powered 6 Speakers
  • Two-Way Self-Powered 2 Subwoofers
  • Two-Way Multipurpose Self-Powered 2 floor monitor Speakers
  • Wireless Handheld Microphone System
  • Dynamic Cardioid Vocal Microphone with microphone stand
  • 02 Nos. of 55-inch UHD TV for Audience
  • 55-inch UHD TV at the Auditorium entrance

Note: No audio/video recording facilities, generators facilities (during power interruptions) and laptops will be provided.


Auditorium Reservation

Ms. Lawanga 

Email: office@fgs.cmb.ac.lk
Phone: (+94) 11 205 56 56

Venue: Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Colombo, No. 35/30, Prof Stanley Wijesundera Mawatha, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka.
