Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Colombo. View mapNext intake in 2022
In the case of the MCP Degree the schedule shall be one academic year with four (4) core modules, one (1) research project seminar, a practice placement (120 hours), and a dissertation of 15 credits amounting to a total of thirty (30) credits, offered in two semesters. Thus the overall credit value of the MCP Degree will amount to sixty (60) credits since the PGDCP Degree embodies the first year of the Masters in Counselling and Psychosocial Support (MCP) Degree programme.
The titles of courses, syllabi, course codes, credit point and other details are set out in the schedule and the Senate shall have power, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board to amend, add to, delete from or vary the courses, their titles, syllabi, course codes, credit points and other details of the program. Such amendments shall come into effect after due notice.
The ‘Practice Placement’ should be carried out in consultation with and guided by the coordinator and/or supervisor following the approval by the Senate, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board and the Board of Studies for Development Studies (BSDS)
The Senate, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board shall appoint a Board of Examiners to conduct the examinations and assess the performance of candidates.
The attendance requirement should also be satisfied and will be taken into consideration in the assessment.
The medium of instruction and examination shall be English.
- The objective of the Masters programme is to further enhance students’ skills to design and manage psychosocial interventions or programmes, critically assess and systematically measure their impacts and analyse the conceptual bases of interventions and the practical implications of these.
- They will also be able to critically appraise competing theoretical models in the field, deliver training and provide psycho-education.
- Additionally, students will be competent to provide interpersonal support for a range of psychosocial problems and provide referrals while also engaging in basic self-care and maintain ethical professional conduct.
- PgDCP & MCP, both programmes are interdisciplinary embracing insights from psychology as well as anthropology, sociology , development studies, and feminist theory.
- These will enable students to obtain practical experience, to enhance personal growth and to be absorbed into governmental, non-governmental or private organizations.
- The Masters allows students to achieve greater academic and professional standards.
Semester I
MCP 6101 : Advanced Counselling Skills: Theory & Practice I
MCP 6102 : Research Methods & Skills for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS)
MCP 6103 : Advanced Theoretical, Policy and Programming Issues in Psychosocial Support
Semester II
MCP 6201 : Advanced Counselling Skills: Theory & Practice II
MCP 6202 : Research Project Seminar
MCP 6203 : Practice Placement
MCP 6204 : Dissertation
The two-year Masters will constitute the credits from the post-graduate diploma course work, AND
- Fore Course Modules
- Research Project Seminar
- Practice Placement
- Dissertation (20,000 – 25,000 words)
By-law of MCP
- Duration: 2 Years Post-graduate Diploma leading to Masters
- Weekend Programme
- SLQF level: 10
- Number of Credits: 60
- Medium of Instructions: English
Candidates who successfully complete the Diploma (PgDCP) with distinction or a merit pass are eligible to apply for registration to the MCP programme.
- A person who wishes to apply for the FGS programmes shall forward the application to the Senior Assistant Registrar, Faculty of Graduate Studies, No.35/30, Pro. Stanley Wijesundara Mawatha, Colombo 07.
- Applications can be downloaded from ( the faculty website.
- The students will be selected through an interview.
- The next intake will be announced via the website, at the time of calling for applicants.
Application Fee: LKR 3,000/-
Registration Fee: LKR 5,000/-
Course Fee: LKR 200,000/-
Library Fee: LKR 1500/-
Examination Fee: LKR 8000/-
Refundable Library Deposit: LKR 5,000/-
(Rs. 2,500/= per card)

Course Coordinator
Dr MTM Mahees
PhD in University of Peradeniya
Telephone: (+94)11 205 56 56
Course Assistant
Ms. KA Indiwari
Phone: (+94)11 205 56 56