Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Colombo. View map2022 intake
Applications are closing on 15th January 2022
Candidates who successfully complete the Diploma (PgDGWS) are eligible to apply for
registration to the MA programme (M.GWS).
The PgD/MA in Gender and Women’s Studies is an inter-disciplinary degree course designed to give advanced grounding in feminist theory and methodology taught through the discussion of contemporary social issues and their application in local, regional, and international contexts. Motivated by the quest for social justice, the focus on feminist inquiry provides a wide range of perspectives on social, cultural, economic, and political phenomena, specifically in the way gendered identities, gender relations, gender roles, and gender stereotypes shape values and beliefs and perpetuate gender inequality.
The programme links theoretical advances in the field of gender studies to practice in fields such as gender and international development, social policy and planning, sexual and reproductive health, international relations and law, and media analysis. The programme will consider diverse analytical tools for the analysis and theorization of social policy, international development, and globalization, as well as culture, identity, and sexuality from a uniquely gendered perspective.
The course aims are to enable students to:
- Become familiar with the genealogy of feminist theory and develop a critical appreciation of different theories of gender.
- Critically engage with contemporary debates in international development, social policy and planning, the law, politics, culture, and the media through the application of feminist theory.
- To develop their critical thinking skills to examine and evaluates Sri Lankan laws, policies and programmes.
- Use feminist theory to inform the analysis of existing work in their disciplinary areas and in an inter-disciplinary context, as well as in their line of work.
- To embark on pertinent research studies, with a specific focus on Sri Lanka, to make an original contribution on knowledge in the field.
- To infuse new thinking and action in their own organizations to address issues related to ‘women’ and ‘gender’ in Sri Lankan society.
6101 – Research Methodologies II
6102 – Seminar: Debates in Contemporary Feminist Research
6103 – Dissertation– 25,000-30,000 words
The two-year Masters will constitute the credits from the post-graduate diploma course work, AND
- Research Methods II – compulsory taught course focusing on the application of research methods to the research proposal and dissertation
- An advanced seminar
- Dissertation (25,000 – 30,000 words)
Candidates who successfully complete the Diploma (PGDWS) are eligible to apply for registration to the MA programme (M.GWS).
By-law of MGWS
- Duration:Two (2) Years PgD leading to Masters Programme
- Weekdays: Thursday, Friday & Saturday
- SLQF level: 10
- Number of Credits: 60
- Medium of Instructions: English
- Candidates who successfully complete the Diploma (PGDWS) are eligible to apply for registration to the MA programme (M.GWS).
- A person who wishes to apply for the FGS programmes shall forward the application to the Senior Assistant Registrar, Faculty of Graduate Studies, No.35/30, Pro. Stanley Wijesundara Mawatha, Colombo 07.
- Applications can be downloaded from ( the faculty website.
- The students will be selected through an interview.
- The next intake will be announced via the website, at the time of calling for applicants.
Application Fee: LKR 3,000/-
Registration Fee: LKR 5,000/-
Course Fee: LKR 125,000/-
Library Fee: LKR 1,500/-
Examination Fee: LKR 12,000/-
Refundable Library Deposit: LKR 5,000/-
(Rs. 2,500/= per card)
- Dr Asha L. Abeyasekera
- Dr Vagisha Gunsekara
- Dr Darshi Thoradeniya
- Dr Kaushalya Perera
- Dr Farzana Haniffa
- Dr Janaki Jayawardena
- Dr Pavithra Jayawardena
- Prof Harshana Rambukwelle

Course Co-Coordinator
Dr Pavithra Jayawardena
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Course Assistant
Ms. Dulmini
Phone: (+94) 11 205 56 56